It may be hard to believe after the harsh winter we’ve had in Toronto and the GTA, but warm weather is on the way. It’s almost time to sit out on the patio, host barbecues in the backyard, and let a spring breeze freshen up the air in your home. Is your patio door ready for the warm weather?
How to prepare your patio door for spring
You want to be sure your patio door will operate smoothly all summer. To do so, it’s best to clean it in the spring. Here’s how:
- Remove all window dressings (like curtains)
- Take the door out (check your user manual to find out how)
- Clean the tracks at the base of the door, removing all dirt and debris
- Check the sides and top of the door frame for dirt or damage
- Place the door back
- For screen doors, rub gently with a wet sponge
- For glass doors, clean with glass cleaner
- Check that the door slides open and closes smoothly
Does your patio door need to be replaced?
While you are cleaning your patio door, you may see signs that the door needs repair or replacement. These signs include:
- Rusting tracks or frame
- Holes in the screen
- Dents in the door, track, or frame
- The door does not open fully or smoothly
- Chipped or cracked glass
- Drafts enter your home
- Moisture between glass panes
- Squeaks when being opened or closed
While you can get the glass or screen of your patio door fixed, it’s usually more cost-effective to simply replace it. You don’t want to spend a lot of money repairing your door only to have to replace it a year or two later.
Replacing your patio door before summer arrives will make your outdoor experience much more enjoyable. You won’t have to worry about fussing with the door every time you step in or out. You can even get a new screen that can allow a summer breeze into your home.
Your patio door options
There are a lot of exciting options when it comes to patio doors.
1. Hinged Patio Door
A hinged patio door can pull forward just like a typical front door. They look lovely as double doors and make your yard feel grand. A hinged patio door needs a bit more space to open than a sliding door, but they’re more secure and often more traditionally styled. If your backyard needs a touch of elegance, a hinged patio door can create it for you.
2. Sliding Patio Door
This is the door most people envision as their patio door. Our sliding doors open so seamlessly you can operate them with your finger tip. Yet, they have tough security mechanisms that you’ll feel safe with.