Foggy windows obscure your view and if left unchecked, the condensation build up can spoil more than that. Excessive condensation can lead to structural damage. The window’s frame and sill can warp and begin functioning poorly. You could even be so unlucky as to develop a problem with mold and mildew.
It may be especially frustrating if this happens after installing replacement windows throughout your home. Ironically, condensation on the inside of your windows is a good sign. Condensation occurs when warm air meets a cold surface, moisture from the warm air becomes liquid again. Your replacement windows reduce drafts and so indoor air retains more moisture. As humidity increases, so does condensation. This type of condensation is actually not a problem with your windows – but an issue with the ventilation in your home.
Instead, when it comes to your windows what is more concerning is finding moisture between window panes. A double paned window holds a layer of gas between the two panes of glass. Condensation occurs when the window’s seal has broken, air has been allowed in and it condenses on the interior of the window’s two panes. This is when you window has failed and you should consider replacement windows.
How does this happen?
Your windows work harder for you than you know. That gas in between the window panes expands and contracts as it heats up during the day and cools down at night. This temperature fluctuation creates pressure and that pressure is one factor in causing the window’s seal to break. Windows on the sunnier side of the home experience wider temperature swings and therefore, experience more stress.
How can I tell if the seal is broken?
Seeing the moisture build up is not the only way to detect a broken seal. There is another visible sign that the moisture causes. It leaves calcium on the glass in the form of a white film. This film usually indicates a broken seal and is particularly unsightly.
Issues with a broken window seal may be harder to detect on windows located in the shade. Condensation usually occurs after the window has been heated by direct sunlight.
Why do I need replacement windows?
The condensation obscures your view, which is reason enough to replace your windows. For some, the view is the best part of their home. Replacement windows add value to your home by replacing the irritating condensation and unpleasant calcium build-up that may spoil one of your property’s best selling-points.
Water droplets carve grooves into your window through a process known as riverbedding. The water follows narrow paths and over time erodes the glass to create visible grooves in your window. If you see this happening, then you should replace your windows right away.
Condensation between your window panes or riverbedding are signs that your windows are not functioning as they should. Your windows should insulate your home and provide a barrier to cold air, but a broken seal prevents your windows from performing this task effectively. Installing replacement windows will keep your home running efficiently and affordably.